Thursday, December 13, 2012

ORP/p 433 MHz NBFM tone, CW , SAW TX

QRP/p ,  with Baofeng UV5R beautiful tone, distance of 1 km, further tested, prevented the lake....

Monday, November 26, 2012

434 MHz simple converter, with SA 612

Gera zinia ta, kad surinkus teisingai, konverteris veikia is karto. Idealu  144 MHz , ne 432 MHz. Dar zemesniuose diapazonuose  SA612 veiks puikiai.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


MI 0 GOZ  Vlad ,  antenna

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

435,9 MHz FM mini beacon

1 khz NBFM,with Baofeng UV5R ,heard good 200 m, with 59

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fitsat 1, NIWAKA with D snake antenna

A 45 degree angle , D snake, well take Fitsat 1 NIWAKA  437,250 MHz CW beacons. Antennas do not move
S.m Spalio 20diena su D snake antena  gerai girdejosi Fitsat 1 NIWAKA  CW svyturys, antenos sukineti nereikejo , girdejosi visos 4 orbitos, antena  45 laipsniu kampu ziurejo tiesiai i pietus. Klausiausi su Baofeng UV-5R  TRX isjungus skvelca, girdejosi negatyvine CW .... priimti tokius signalus , tas pats kas perskaityti japoniskus ieroglifus. Smagu buvo tai kad signalai buvo stiprus, palikus ijungta skvelca, esant stipriam signalui pradeda uzsidegineti raudona lempute, skvelcas pliauksi nesuprantamus signalus, aisku kad Fitsat 1 NIWAKA  labai garsiai girdisi

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

14 MHz Magloop by LY3H

I was forced to use magloop (also known as STL - small transmitting loop) because I don't have permission to build antennas on my roof.
For loop I use cheap heating pipes. Any magloop builder inevitably will have to solve high quality/voltage capacitor problem. Since I operate only CW I decided to try fixed capacitor made from coaxial cable (first two pictures). This was working solution but it's hard to make it waterproof (it's very important!)

Then I tried to make capacitor from the heat pipe too. This is very good solution - it's easy to make adjustments, it's easy to make it waterproof with heat shrink!
 I made already quite a few QSOs with the 5W transceiver published earlier, even with some JA stations. 
The only concern so far is overall temperature stability - I will report my findings later here.