Used the fundamental harmonic 24MHz quartz.Multiplied by the apperance of 432MHz . TX easily reapyted, uncritical.Coil L2 may not be connected, directly to the antenna coil L1 the signal strenght is. Best to use SMD coponents. Error,T1 emitter 36 pf not 1000pf
Gera schemute derinimui. O ka, jei dar pridet viena zingsni 1296 Mhz pasiekt? 73 de LY1GP
Per stiprus signalas derinti RX ant 432 MHz , teks daryt silpnesni "beacon'a ". Sitos schemos pagrindu konverteri noriu padaryt 435 Mc td 15 Mc ,xtal 25 Mc Veliau TX ant 432Mc pastiprinsiu ir i 1296 Mc labai realu su stipriu signalu...turiu paruoses RX ant 1296, konverteri, bet privalau "stepas, po stepo " zygiuot.
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