Friday, March 18, 2011

28,096MHz mini beacon

This one can be heard well within 5 meters.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

432MHz - 144MHz mini beacon

On 144 MHz it is heard well within 4 meters distance. 432MHz beacon is heard good about 30cm. For easy converters/receivers testing.

Linux Mint

There was a silence in my blog due to migrating my old PC's OS from WindowsXP to Linux Mint.
The main reason for doing that was that my PC became unbearably sluggish - older PCs and modern anti-viruses don't match. It looked like it dedicated itself to antivirus and OS updating/maintaining tasks - not mine. Despite having constant updating OS and anti-virus (one of the industry leaders) I managed to catch some malware... (I do visit only hamradio related sites).

One can easy guess my reaction after that...

So far everything is going smooth - I like how responsive become my old PC and I have all the tools needed for my everyday work (echolink, spectrumlab, kdenlive). I don't miss Windows and seriously considering to abandon Windows in my Toshiba netbook.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

432 MHz TX

Used the fundamental harmonic 24MHz quartz.Multiplied by the apperance of 432MHz . TX easily reapyted, uncritical.Coil L2 may not be connected, directly to the antenna coil L1 the signal strenght is. Best to use SMD coponents. Error,T1 emitter 36 pf not 1000pf

Thursday, March 10, 2011

432 MHz Slim Jim antenna

Slim Jim antenna is well suited as field indicator . 100micro A device used 1N5711 diodes. Field indicator finished. Maxlog with a standard antenna ,the indicator arrow for fully tilted 5m Diode conecion uncritical.